A Guide to SMART Goals for Teachers
Could we imagine of a morning, we wake up and there would be a news that there is a lockdown situation globally with a slogan, stay home, stay safe. It was a kind of biological curfew in which everyone was confined to home and was at a distance. Nobody could greet each other, the way they normally used to do. People were hiding their faces not because of any religious or cultural reason but for their health and safety. What was this safety all about?
The safety, to avoid transmission of an invisible creature, a virus that was deadly. All of a sudden, it took the lives of many people around the globe. Well, global is good but this global disease, COVID-19, came out as a pandemic, was disastrous.
So what's COVID-19?
COVID refers to Coronavirus disease that’s caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS CoV-2) strain.
Origin of SARS CoV-2
It’s believed that it was transmitted by bats, however, some people say that it was transferred from the frozen pangolin, which was when eaten by a person he suffered with normal signs of flu and then transmitted the virus to a lot of people that was spread globally and many started dying. They were reporting the congestion that proved to be fatal as it really collapsed the whole respiratory tract.
What does SARS CoV-2 do inside your body?
Once it is transferred through nose, mouth or eyes, it attaches to the cells while travelling through the back of the nasal cavity and mucus membrane in the back of your throat and then starts multiplying until it reaches the lungs and from there it spreads like a fire to other body cells.
They are initially common as that of a normal flu i.e.
But it was noticed that initially the fever was very mild, however, the cough was dry that was offering resistance to the passage of air. Beside this, few patients also reported loss of taste, loss of appetite as well as they lost the sense of smelling things. Many experienced muscular ache also.
How could it be a sign of danger?
When the person starts to feel
All such symptoms are the signs of urgency as patient suffers with anxiety, depression and confusion.
Good news
Most people don’t need any hospitalization. They can get rid off it by merely isolation and adopting all the precautionary measures.
Save your loved ones
Avoid contact with other people because this virus transmits through air via coughing, sneezing through respiratory droplets, breathing closely.
It may be transferred through spaces that have such viruses
It also finds its way with close contacts.
Hence, to save ourselves and others from it, we should wear good quality masks, use hand sanitizer, wash hands often, keep ourselves and our surroundings clean, eat healthy meals.
Home remedies
People taking steam and drinking tea decoction with ginger and cinnamon sticks felt improvement overall.
Scientists’ efforts
Since the start of this pandemic, researchers all over the globe started looking for the potential management of this horrifying disease. With continuous struggle, big pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna etc made vaccines that are found to be effective to manage it in the long run.
Hope for good
We can defeat this pandemic individually and as a team. As an individual, we can practice all the precautionary measures while as a team we can promote awareness in our social circles. Stay together, maintain distance, follow good practices, keep yourself and everybody safe. Hope BIG!