A Guide to SMART Goals for Teachers
How do you feel when you have a fight with your best friend and you don’t talk for some time? May be you feel sad, low etc. All these are signs of dissatisfaction. This means you don’t feel good as the things went bad between both of you, but if everything is fixed between you and your friend then you come back to normal. This happens normally. But think of a situation, in which you lose someone for good or you are continuously failing for what you are struggling, poor financial status, what if you are unable to meet the expenses of your family for xyz reason. You start feeling low, sad, and lose your decision making power because you are not reaching the line that causes satisfaction. If such feelings persist, the person loses his sleep, appetite, he doesn’t feel attraction in life. All these are signs of the most prevailing disease of the 21st century, Depression.
This is a kind of negative behaviour that may be life threatening. It’s specially alarming for the people who isolate them.
So how can you discern temporary sadness and depression?
If following symptoms persist for at least two weeks then the person might suffer with depression
At this moment the depressed needs attention
What if you are depressed
Follow these
Visit a psychiatrist
There is a very negative expression about it that going to see a psychiatrist is a bad thing. Instead, we should realise that if we suffer with any other disease, we go to specialist like child specialist, urologist, cardiologist etc then why do we feel shame to consult a psychiatrist? He is the specialist of psychological problems. Depression is among one of them.
So how do they treat it?
There are two things
Medicines are having side effects too as they can aggravate the depression. They need strict monitoring by the family and friends. Psychotherapy is very good as there is a talk between a psychiatrist and the patient that’s how the patient could understand his problem and find better solution to cope up with the situation.
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