A Guide to SMART Goals for Teachers

  Learning objectives in lesson planning serve as clear statements that describe what learners will be able to accomplish by the end of a lesson . They are crucial components of effective lesson planning. Teachers can make learning objectives SMART by following these guidelines: 1. Specific : Clearly define what students are expected to learn. Avoid vague language and ensure the objective is precise and focused. 2. Measurable : Include criteria that allow for assessment of whether students have achieved the objective. This could involve quantifiable measures like scores, percentages, or observable behaviors. 3. Achievable : Ensure that the objective is realistic and attainable within the given context of time, resources, and students' capabilities. 4. Relevant : Connect the objective to the broader goals of the curriculum and ensure its importance and relevance to students' learning needs and interests. 5. Time-bound: Specify a timeframe within which the objective shoul



Since the start of this year 2021, we have been advised by international and national organisations to get ourselves vaccinated. People are dubious about this idea or it will be better to say that they are occupied with an unknown fear because of so many rumours that are being spread around them by so many authorities, family and friends etc.

We have got many examples of different bacterial and viral diseases in the past that created a disaster in the previous century and luckily, scientists found some way to control the prevalence of such diseases. For instance, measles that is a viral disease and has affected majority of children, was controlled by a vaccine. Similarly, in developing countries polio vaccines are administered to eradicate this viral disease that leaves a person paralysed for whole life. 

In the present century , viruses are getting stronger and we must take the first step to control them. COVID-19 is the hot debate of this century. At first when the people were affected, so many controversies were created. Still the scientists focused their attention to combat this deadly challenge with which the whole world is confronted. There are many big giants who kept on developing and testing the vaccine like Pfizer and Moderna.

The layman has no idea as to what is right or wrong? He is always confused in taking the right decision when he is surrounded by baseless rumours. We must first understand few important things.

What is a vaccine?

Vaccine is a kind of medicine that strengthens our immunity against various bacterial or viral diseases. It provides us acquired immunity. Usually vaccines are prepared in laboratories with dead viruses or bacteria that are actually causing a particular type of disease in any living organism including human beings. They actually make the replication process of these disease causing creatures halted. They somehow enhance our immunity which is powerless in front of the powerful ultramicroscopic creatures.

Common question that arises in our minds is

Can our natural immune system not work against these pathogens?

The answer is it can. But in the present situation, nobody knows who is infected with this coronavirus or not because in many cases this disease was asymptomatic (i.e. no particular symptoms). That’s how it was spread in the worst manner. Though normally people’s natural immune system makes antibodies against a foreign antigen but our immune system gets compromised if we are deficient in many important nutrients. Developing countries are at greater risk in this regard because we usually eat unhealthy stuff and go after taste instead of taking the food that has nutritional value. Regular use of fresh fruits and vegetables is essential. We must take essential vitamins like Vitamin B, C and D. In addition to it, we should take essential minerals that are of utmost importance to enhance our immunity level. We are also not aware of our health status most of the time because we don't take it serious or not very health conscious.

Now coming to COVID-19 vaccine. People are always curious and at the same time suspicious for new things or in simple words, for a change. There are lots of things coming to our ears though they are not seen that this vaccine is fatal, the person who is getting its shots will die in few years' time. Another rumour is, it has got Nano chips that will make us think like devil or we will follow the path of devil etc. It means there are mixed sort of views both religious and scientific.

We must understand the situation. Let’s see what is the composition of this vaccine in order to clear our minds.

It has got messenger RNA (mRNA) that codes some important information so once it goes inside our bodies, it will produce antibodies against this virus hence, it will stop the replication process. Beside this, lipids, potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dehydrate and sucrose are forming this health friendly vaccine.

Important thing

We must know that our body’s defence system works against these pathogens in its own way while this synthetic form (vaccine) boosts our immunity against pathogenic organism. Once the virus's replication is stopped by these proteins known as antibodies, it mutates itself and shifts its codes in order to resist the body's defence mechanism and tries to become more powerful to replicate and spread. Hence, there must be some modification needed to fight such mutated  particles and we need booster doses to enhance our immunity against such strains of virus. 

Last but not the least, we must first weigh the benefits and risks associated with this burning topic of today. In my view, we must get vaccinated which is done in two doses. First dose follows second within 28 days of its administration.

What could happen to our body after the first shot?

There is possibility of having pain at the site of injection. You may have mild fever, body pain. Few people have reported allergic reactions also but they are rare. If severe allergic reaction follows the first shot, don’t go for the second (Consult physician first). However, if a rash appears at the site of injection then you may get the second shot of it. 

How to get rid of pain and rash after getting the vaccine shot?

In order to soothe pain, physician can prescribe a pain killer. While to manage rashes, doctor may prescribe antihistamine.

With positive hopes, get vaccinated. Save yourself and all those for whom you care.

Feel free to share your opinion about it and if you have already vaccinated, you can share your experience with us.

Stay healthy and stay safe!


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