A Guide to SMART Goals for Teachers

  Learning objectives in lesson planning serve as clear statements that describe what learners will be able to accomplish by the end of a lesson . They are crucial components of effective lesson planning. Teachers can make learning objectives SMART by following these guidelines: 1. Specific : Clearly define what students are expected to learn. Avoid vague language and ensure the objective is precise and focused. 2. Measurable : Include criteria that allow for assessment of whether students have achieved the objective. This could involve quantifiable measures like scores, percentages, or observable behaviors. 3. Achievable : Ensure that the objective is realistic and attainable within the given context of time, resources, and students' capabilities. 4. Relevant : Connect the objective to the broader goals of the curriculum and ensure its importance and relevance to students' learning needs and interests. 5. Time-bound: Specify a timeframe within which the objective shoul...

What to do in winters?


It’s cool and at the same time dry too. But why?

Because the humidity is very low in the surrounding and the air is cool, this will definitely dry us away and we have to manage it. But how?

So here are some cool tips for the cool weather. Let’s try to solve these winter problems one by one. 

Dry hair

With the cool weather moisture content gets too low in the hair beside this, there is too much dandruff on the scalp. This all leads to dry and damaged hair with hair fall. In order to avoid such hair problems, we should follow the following routine for healthy hair.

Massage your head and hair with oil. But before oiling hair, you must spray them with water. This will keep your hair moist and shiny in the long run. Oiling must be done two to three hours ago, before taking shower.

Use a shampoo that has almond extract and enough moisture content in it. 

Cover your head when go outside.

Dry skin

You know quite well that our body covering is hurt due to this cool and dry weather because it’s directly exposed to it. 

What to do in order to protect this protective layer?

Keep yourself hydrated first

Use balanced diet. Include egg, milk, citrus fruits, vegetables, fish in your regular meals 

Avoid fried stuff specially 

Apply moisturiser cream

Use moisturising and nourishing body wash

Can try whole body massage with olive oil or use that oil which suits you and don’t cause any allergy

Feeling sleepy always

Oh yes! This is another problem specially when it’s morning time. We are always yawning and try to sleep more. Let’s see why does it happen? There is a scientific reason behind it. 

Curious to know? 

Actually during winter season, nights are longer. Due to less exposure to sunlight our pineal gland that’s lying in our brain, secretes more melatonin which induces sleep.

For this, you should 

  • wake up early
  • do yoga and other muscle relaxing exercises which keep you active and healthy all day

Joint problems

Oh yes they are very common, specially in people who are already suffering from arthritis. Such patients must check with their physicians on regular basis. Follow these cool tips during such a cold weather.

Take medicines regularly

Keep your diet balanced

Exercise regularly, no excuses

Try golden milk

Massaging the joints, it’s effective in many 

Cough and cold

Oh yeah, this is a very common gift of winters, I must say. But don’t worry! There is a solution. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. 

Avoid crowded places first

Wear masks 

Take hot beverages

Eat citrus fruits and drink juices 

Consume Vitamin C rich stuff

And if you catch cold, take plenty of water, use prescribed medicines and take proper sleep.

What to wear? 

Obviously, we use warm clothing in such a chilly weather such as;



Coat shoes 


Thick socks

Neck mufflers 


Knit cap

I hope following these simple tips, we can enjoy the winter season safely and energetically.


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