A Guide to SMART Goals for Teachers

  Learning objectives in lesson planning serve as clear statements that describe what learners will be able to accomplish by the end of a lesson . They are crucial components of effective lesson planning. Teachers can make learning objectives SMART by following these guidelines: 1. Specific : Clearly define what students are expected to learn. Avoid vague language and ensure the objective is precise and focused. 2. Measurable : Include criteria that allow for assessment of whether students have achieved the objective. This could involve quantifiable measures like scores, percentages, or observable behaviors. 3. Achievable : Ensure that the objective is realistic and attainable within the given context of time, resources, and students' capabilities. 4. Relevant : Connect the objective to the broader goals of the curriculum and ensure its importance and relevance to students' learning needs and interests. 5. Time-bound: Specify a timeframe within which the objective shoul...

The Dengue Fever


Having headache, fever, pain behind the eyes, nausea and muscular or joint pain. Think once again, its’ not fatigue, anxiety issues or anything else, these can be the symptoms of dengue fever. It usually starts the same way as described above.

How is it caused?

It’s caused by a female mosquito called Aedes aegypti. It’s  a viral disease that can spread by the mosquito bites which breed in clean water usually. 

So what does a patient experience?

Let’s talk about some common symptoms that a patient gets in the initial period.

  • Flu
  • Fever (can reach 104 °F)
  • Pain in the joints, muscles, eyes etc
  • Nausea
  • Rashes

But when do the symptoms indicate alarming situation?

It’s very important to check for the following symptoms if the person has been diagnosed with dengue infection because it can be a very serious health risk. So let’s discuss them one by one.

Dengue shock syndrome- It can be caused by

  • Hypotension
  • Dehydration 
  • Myocardial dysfunction

All of these give rise to dengue shock that needs immediate hospitalization.

Dengue haemorrhagic fever- This may be a fatal condition which seeks medical urgency. Common development includes 

  • Bleeding from nose 
  • Gums may also bleed 
  • Blood comes in urine, vomit, even in stool

How dengue is diagnosed?

Tests recommended for Dengue fever include

Complete blood cell count: This test is specifically done to monitor platelet count beside this RBC count, haemoglobin level and haematocrit value are also monitored in order to check anaemic condition due to bleeding.

Molecular test for dengue fever (Polymerase Chain Reaction): This test is performed to detect and identify the presence of virus and its different serotypes.

Antibody test (IgG, IgM): It is done in order to check the antibodies produced against the virus by the body’s immune system.

Beside these tests, another test like Basic Metabolic Penal (BMP) may be done to check the kidney functioning. This is particularly done in severe infection that’s caused by the virus.

Management: This viral infection can be managed with 

  • Keeping oneself hydrated- drink more water in order to counter dehydration 
  • Taking pain killers- like paracetamol in order to manage fever and pain 


  • Patients who are already on Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs, must discontinue as they may cause internal bleeding which can worsen the condition. 
  • Anticoagulants should also be avoided 

Home remedies:

  • Eat citrus fruits to boost immunity
  • Use papaya leaf juice in order to make up platelet deficiency 
  • Can eat pomegranate, guava etc 
  • Take fresh apple juice

Keep yourself safe!

  • Use nets 
  • Spray pesticides
  • Use mosquito repellent
  • Follow good hygiene practices 
  • Keep your surrounding clean

Well, this is another big challenge after COVID-19, we must take every precautionary measure in order to avoid any emergency situation. If you have any related question or suggestion, feel free to comment.


  1. Very informative article considering the present scenario. Government should also spray insecticides to save the masses


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