A Guide to SMART Goals for Teachers
With modernization in every field don’t you think that our life style is becoming passive? This is giving rise to many health issues and one of them is Diabetes.
So let’s see what the diabetes is.
It’s a kind of disease in which the blood glucose level becomes high due to low insulin level. You know that whatever carbs we eat on daily basis, they are in their complex forms then our body simplifies them by the process of digestion and turn them to simple sugar i.e. glucose. Normally, the glucose is absorbed by our body cells and oxidised in order to provide us with the energy but if a person is suffering from diabetes then the glucose isn’t taken up by the cells and remain in the blood stream which brings many complications in the human body as it can damage our vital organs.
Types of diabetes
There are mainly two common types
Type I diabetes (Insulin dependent diabetes)
Well pancreas is both an exocrine and endocrine gland. Islets of Langerhans that are found in pancreas serve as endocrine part and release two key hormones, glucagon and Insulin in order to control blood sugar level. When these cells are damaged, the pancreas is unable to produce enough Insulin in order to make the blood glucose absorbed in body cells hence this contributes to increased blood glucose level which is excreted in urine. It’s a kind of autoimmune disease in which these cells are attacked and destroyed by our immune system
Type II diabetes (Insulin resistant diabetes)
This type is the most common one in which body is unable to produce enough insulin or it is resisted by the body cells.
There are some common symptoms that are experienced by diabetic patients like
Risk to vital organs
There are many vital organs that are affected due to this disease.
So how is diabetes diagnosed?
The physicians commonly recommend two tests;
Here is a chart of blood glucose level in different conditions.
Which diet is healthy for diabetic patients?
Well such patients must avoid processed and refined food items. They should add organic food in their meal plan. Vegetables, citrus fruits , whole grains, seafood, low carbs, lean proteins are healthy to be consumed by such patients.
Insulin is given
Beside this there are so many medicines available to control sugar level in Type II Diabetes and they include different classes like
How to manage it?
In order to keep yourself healthy adopt active lifestyle, eat healthy meal and don’t forget to feel happy inside, stay motivated.
Take care!
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